Remedial Teaching
emedial instruction aims to improve a skill or ability in each student. Using various techniques, such a more practice or explanation, repeating the information and devoting more time to working on the skills, the teachers guide each student through the educational process. A student that might, for example, have a low reading level might be given remediation on a one on one basis, phonic instruction and practice reading text aloud..
We provide instruction in the basics of reading, written language, mathematics, and study/organizational skills using innovative, multi sensory techniques and strategies. These methods have proven successful in helping students learn more effectively. Our students learn how to build on their strengths, talents and abilities, and overcome their weaknesses. Our goal is to help parents and teachers understand individual differences and to give students the skills they need for lifelong learning...
We believe that every child can learn to achieve. The solid foundation for learning includes basic skills in reading, writing, and math. Learning HOW to learn, understanding personal learning styles, knowing strategies and study skills, and developing appropriate communication skills builds self-esteem and confidence which leads to success and a hope for the future.
Teachers, administrators, and therapists need to be aware of these children and their specific needs. This is where parental involvement is paramount. Parents are able to speak for the child and relay their individual needs. Schools and school systems are able to provide specific services for special needs students. Special education teachers have long supplied students with expanded learning opportunities.
Teaching Approaches Required to Instruct/Treat Students in:
- ttention and Short Term Memory
- Elements of Phonological Awareness
- Phonemic Awareness
- Phonics
- Sight Word Memory
- Rapid Word Naming
- Reading Comprehension
- Critical Thinking
- Spelling
- Listening Comprehension
- Written Expression
- Handwriting
- Oral Expression
- Mathematics Calculation
- Mathematics Reasoning